TRANSFORMERS 2 : Revenge of The Fallen
PENTUKARAN 2 : Dendam Si Penjatuh
PeopleComeFromNoWhere : "Hoi Mr.Author!!! can you please StOp translating a w0rdS??!!"
Mr. Author : "Hahahha...sorry2, it is just an involuntary acti0ns fr0m me...heee.... actually, that is not a real meaning~ hmmm..."
PeopleComeFromNoWhere : "Huh?? Can i ask you s0mething?? why the title is 'From Vehicles to Robots'?? Why not just put it Transformers??"
Mr. Author : "Duhh... Many people watch this movie and they also want to put it in their bloG... so, i bet you that they will use the same title like 'Transformers'.... Please! Think out of the b0x man.....~ Anyway, lets l0ok at the movie review........" =D
Mr. Author : "Hahahha...sorry2, it is just an involuntary acti0ns fr0m me...heee.... actually, that is not a real meaning~ hmmm..."
PeopleComeFromNoWhere : "Huh?? Can i ask you s0mething?? why the title is 'From Vehicles to Robots'?? Why not just put it Transformers??"
Mr. Author : "Duhh... Many people watch this movie and they also want to put it in their bloG... so, i bet you that they will use the same title like 'Transformers'.... Please! Think out of the b0x man.....~ Anyway, lets l0ok at the movie review........" =D
Where?? : TGV Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
What?? : Watching mo0vie laah... Transformers 2 : Revenge of The Fallen
When?? : 1.30pm in KL...
Who?? : Patrick & Saidy, Ezzani & her Sis, Me and Fikri... in a row...
How?? : The actions, the humour, the sadness, the soul, the happiness, the craziness of Sam's mom, the sexiest of the girls (o0oppss...!!) wAs SUpErB!!! and this make the m0vie to be labeled as 18PA...
hahahah... but it is just PG13~ so, dont worry kiDs!!
Which?? : The best scene goes to all fighting scene especially at the end of this movie... the pyramid one... The best team, of c0urse Autobots even the Decepticon's vehicle has more varieties and much more stronger and bigger... The best laughing scene goes to Sam's mom, Leo, small robots and also Sam itself... he makes me laugh especially when he had been busted with Mikaeli where both of them fighting like a kids~...
So?? : Huh? hmm... I will give (5 Stars!!)
...Some Of The Actions...
Thanks to:
Transformers 2 : Revenge of The Fallen (for brought me into the movie)
Ezzo and her Sis (for took me a ride to LRT station)
Patrick (for reserving the tickets)
ni wajib tgk ni!
i like robots!!
woiiii.... ak trase ar.... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! yela.. aizat jewk ar thinking out of the box.. hu3
anis :
yep2, u have to watch it~ it w0rth!
Hahahaha..... sbnarnye, aku geram sbb ko anta p0st dlu~ aku baru nak stat menaip, tg0k2...ko da p0st psl citer tue~ heee... klau x, tajuk aku same cam ko~ s0rry... =D
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