Monday, June 20, 2011

Tongue Twister and Tornado!

Have you exercise today?
If not, lets exercise... no,no... no need to go to gym... not a body exercise...
all we have to do is tongue exercise! yes, a tongue!!~

People talks everyday,
People eats everyday,
by using their tongue to talk and taste...
so, why not give them a break and have a small exercise?
Now, lets try "Tongue Twister" in various version all around the world...

English :

Betty Botter bought a bit of butter.
The butter Betty Botter bought was a bit bitter
And made her batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter makes better batter.
So Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter
Making Betty Botter's bitter batter better

French :

Tata, ta tarte tatin tenta Tonton, Tonton tâta ta tarte tatin, Tata
Means : Aunty, your apple tart tempts Uncle; Uncle has touched your apple tart, Aunty

German :

Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische. Frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritz
Means : Fisherman Fritz fishes fresh fish, fresh fish are fished by fisherman Fritz

Malay :

Kuku kaki kiriku kaku - ku kikis kuku kaki kiriku
Means : My left toenail is stiff - I scrape my left toenail

Hindi :

Chandu ke chacha ne chandu ki chachi ko Chandni Chowk mein chandni raat mein chaandi ki chammach se chatni chataee
Means : Chandu's uncle fed Chandu's aunt chutney with a silver spoon on a moonlit night in Chandni Village

Italy :

Trentatré trentini entrarono a Trento, tutti e trentatré trotterellando
Means : Thirty-three Trentine people came into Trento, all the thirty-three trotting along

Korean :

간장공장 공장장은 강 공장장이고, 된장 공장 공장장은 장 공장장이다
Phonetically : Ganjang-gongjang gongjangjang-eun Kang gongjangjang-igo doenjang-gongjang gongjangjang-eun Chang gongjangjang-ida
Means : The soy sauce plant manager is manager Kang, and soy paste plant manager is manager Chang

Thai :

ชามเขียวคว่ำเช้า ชามขาวคว่ำค่ำ
Phonetically : Chaam khiaw kwam chaaw, chaam chaaw kwam kham
Means : The green bowl is upside-down in the morning, the white bowl is upside down in the evening

Japan :

Bōzu ga byōbu ni jōzu ni bōzu no e o kaita
Means : A priest skillfully drew a picture of a priest on folding screen

Portuguese :

O Rato roeu a roupa do Rei de Roma e a Rainha, raivosa, ras
gou o resto
Means : The rat nibbled the clothes of the Roman King, and the angry Queen teared the rest

Good Luck!
By : Wikipedia

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Penglihatan dari Hati

Baru2 ni, aku naik LRT dari KLCC ke Kelana Jaya...
Sampai je kat stesen Kampung Baru, pintu LRT tu pun terbukak lah kan...
Pastu ade due orang makcik masuk ikot pintu tu dengan tongkat...
Masuk2 je, terus melulu ke tempat duduk belah kiri, tanpa mengendahkan orang yang tgah duduk kat kerusi tu...

Orang2 yang kat kerusi tu terus cepat2 beralih...
Lepas tu, aku berasa sngat teruja sbb... you know, someone yg xdpat lihat, then naek LRT...
Certain2 orang mesti kate, "Alaa..biaase la tu, orang buta dah biase dah dengan keadaan persekitaran diorg"...
Isunye bukan biase ke xbiase...
Aku terfikir kejap, kalaulah diorang ni buta sejak kecil, camne la ek? muke sendiri pon x pernah tengok...

So, ape prasaan korang? Kesian memang la kan...
Cuma kita ni kenalah prihatin and amek berat sket kat diorg...
Janganlah kite nak sisihkan diorang drpada masyarakat...
They were struggelling untuk hidup seperti normal macam kite...
Sebab mase dlam LRT tu, ade la sorang mamat ni, after makcik tu duduk je kat sbelah die, terus die nak bangun and tukar tempat duduk...
mcam xperlu kan? hmm...

Ok, cube korang bayangkan, dalam dunia orang buta,
diorang dapat mengenal pasti benda2 kat skeliling diorang, tp imej nye xde...

Inilah beberape contoh pandangan mereka terhadap benda sekeliling :

Ok, ni gambar mak ayah saye...
segak dan cantik kan mereka...

Yang ni pulak rumah saye...
xdelah besar sangat kan? tp alhamdulillah ade tempat berlindung...

Hah, ni lah kucing jiran saye...
lebat kan bulu die..

Camne? Menyayat hati x??
Hidup kita dikelilingi dengan mereka?
So, kita sebagai manusia yang berakal, marilah kita menghormati golongan2 ini dan memberi bantuan sekiranya mereka sedang berjalan2, ingin melintas, mahupun sedang mencari laluan untuk ke destinasi yang ingin dituju... =D