Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pa, Ma & Sis

Warning : This is not a model...

Presenting to you....
The MakeOver pictures from my dad, my mom & my sis...
Congratulations for them because success in one kind of business!!... err.. just success, not a GrEat success yet~ heee...

Pose!!! Pandai jugak diorang ni berposing~ heee....

My Dad, Abd Ghani Bin Tahar...

My mom, Zaleha Binti Shariff...

My Sis, Najihah Binti Abd. Ghani...

Hmm... how is it? Nice?? If you want to 'make over' like them... join the business with them~
Its a pleasure to join us~!!
How and What??
just go to this link for any info because I also dont know what it is...

or just leave an e-mail :

Thank You...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

From Vehicles to Robots

: Revenge of The Fallen

PENTUKARAN 2 : Dendam Si Penjatuh

PeopleComeFromNoWhere : "Hoi Mr.Author!!! can you please StOp translating a w0rdS??!!"
Mr. Author : "Hahahha...sorry2, it is just an involuntary acti0ns fr0m me...heee.... actually, that is not a real meaning~ hmmm..."

PeopleComeFromNoWhere : "Huh?? Can i ask you s0mething?? why the title is 'From Vehicles to Robots'?? Why not just put it Transformers??"
Mr. Author : "Duhh... Many people watch this movie and they also want to put it in their bloG... so, i bet you that they will use the same title like 'Transformers'.... Please! Think out of the b0x man.....~ Anyway, lets l0ok at the movie review........" =D

Where?? : TGV Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

What?? : Watching mo0vie laah... Transformers 2 : Revenge of The Fallen

When?? : 1.30pm in KL...

Who?? : Patrick & Saidy, Ezzani & her Sis, Me and Fikri... in a row...

How?? : The actions, the humour, the sadness, the soul, the happiness, the craziness of Sam's mom, the sexiest of the girls (o0oppss...!!) wAs SUpErB!!! and this make the m0vie to be labeled as 18PA...
hahahah... but it is just PG13~ so, dont worry kiDs!!

Which?? : The best scene goes to all fighting scene especially at the end of this movie... the pyramid one... The best team, of c0urse Autobots even the Decepticon's vehicle has more varieties and much more stronger and bigger... The best laughing scene goes to Sam's mom, Leo, small robots and also Sam itself... he makes me laugh especially when he had been busted with Mikaeli where both of them fighting like a kids~...

So?? : Huh? hmm... I will give stars Pictures, Images and Photosstars Pictures, Images and Photosstars Pictures, Images and Photosstars Pictures, Images and Photosstars Pictures, Images and Photos (5 Stars!!)

...Some Of The Actions...

Thanks to:
Transformers 2 : Revenge of The Fallen (for brought me into the movie)
Ezzo and her Sis (for took me a ride to LRT station)
Patrick (for reserving the tickets)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Perkara biasa kalau makan di Shah Alam...

Shah Alam...
bandar ke-8 terbesar kat Malaysia(mengikut bilangan penduduk) ni memang banyak memiliki rest0ran2 atau gerai2 yang orang kate, "b0LeH LaaAa....~"

So, korang penah makan kat Shah Alam tak??
kalau pernah, korang mesti dah biase ngan makcik or pak cik yang mencari rezeki diorang dgn.....

mEnJuaL keRePek!!~

macam2 ade, krepek ubi, pisang, bawang, muruku, n byk lg~

Berlegar2 menjual krepek...
Yang peliknya, time aku datang makan je mesti ade diorng nieh~

macam da buat temujanji......hmmm...

Mereka akan menghidangkan satu per satu kerepek kat atas meja korang, tapi AWAS!!! die bukan nak bg free~ Hahahahah....
of course la kan... tp taklah mahal sangat~ Normally, 3 kerepek dijual ngan harge RM10...
Yg bestnye, bende ni da macam jd satu penyakit sbb rasenye semua rest0ran or gerai kat Shah Alam ni mesti ade diorang......Adoyai~
Hmmm..... takpela, asalkan diorang Happy~!!

Hidangan istimewa dari mak cik tu kat satu meja...
Kesian kat mamat tu, stelah berkali2 kate "Tak Nak...",

Mak Cik tu still letak gak...hmm...kesian

Dah terlanjur ckap pasal bende ni, nak pr0mote sket tempat2 makan yg agak beSt n menjadi tempat persinggahan keluarge aku utk menjamu selera....~

Restoran Ala-ala High Class :
Pak Li Kopitiam (sek7 n sek18) , Big Food(TTDIjaya), Ani Sup Utara (byk tempat ade), Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa (TTDIjaya), Restoran kat tasik tu...(jarang mkan kat sini...), Kedai Kopi (kat tepi tasik), Nasi Beriyani (sek9), Stall at Shah Alam Walk (dpan Alam Sentral), Restoran Thai (Plaza S.Alam, Sek9).....n etc~

Restoran biase2, food court dan gerai2 :
Sri TTDI, Aimar Char Kuey Teow (TTDIjaya), Food court Sek2, Food court Sek17, Food court Sek11, Restoran Azira (sek10), Restoran Soto (sek8), Food court Kg.Subang, Kandang Puncak Perdana (kat UiTM kampus P.Perdana, SekU10), Mamak (RS & MMZ kat Bkt. Jelutong) n etc......

Pastu, restoran2 francaise......hmmm x perlu kot nak disebut, mesti sume org da tau....
Huhuhu.... ala... cam KFC, McD, BurgerKing, Chicken Rice Shop, Secret Recipe, & byk lagi...(haha...sebut gak~)

Restoran Soto, Seksyen 8...
One of the longest served lauk at Shah Alam....~
Pening kepale nak wat ch0ice...nyummY~!! =p

Ok, thats all......
this is one of the "Visit Shah Alam 2009" campaign...
hahahah... takdelah, saje je men reka2...
thanks a l0ts for the listed restaurantS n sorry for not been listed~
h0pefully to get royalty fr0m dey, xdela...gurau jex~ heee....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Muar is under attack!!

Based on the true story....
Muar is under attack by....errr... not a terr0rist...... but....
by the students!!!

yesterday~ some of my classmates, 5science9 atau lebih dikenali sbgai G'nine9 (name bg ANSARA) had gathered to collect SPM certificates at MJSC Muar...
mmg havoc giller........
melet0p satu daerah muar!!!! mane taknye...

dengan jeritan Hajar,
dengan ketaksuban Arep,
dengan gelakan Anness,
dengan kemeriahan Azry,
dengan keriangan Linda (lpas tgok mujib)- jgn mAraH!! graw jex~
dengan kegembiraan Suzy, Teyqa n Ciela,
dengan kesopanan Widie n Feeqa,
dengan kerempitan Mux,
dengan tumbesaran kecik,
dengan kec0melan aku..... Hahahahah!!!
macam x penah jejak kaki kat bandar maharani tu, ade kit0rang kesah?? cak3~ asalkan kit0rang hepi... ahahaha

and pelakon tambahan, mo0jib(15) n dhal(5)...

Perhatikan widie...asek nak makan jex~ heee...

Diorang sume makin slim kan?? tahniah2...~ =D

Pintu masok die x berubah pon....
tp, pak guard die still same~! hehehe....
asrama?? dah dicat... ko0p? cam 7Elevaen... ade CC? x kesah pon..heee

ATHO telah dicat, tingkap telah diganti baru, ditengah2 ade pondok....hmm...x jeles pon~

Surau still maintain...~ sejuk je....

sbelum aku terlupe, aku nak ucapkan TERIMA KASIH kepade pensponsor makanan...iaitu... Haslinda md... die blanje kit0rang KFC satu bucket...x abes pon... tp naseb baek hajar bawak balek...dpat mkan kat dlam bas~

Perhatikan Anness, die minum air cawan k0song je...saje nak acting~ hahaha

Kalo dah name sekolah, mesti la ade cikgu kan??
So, inilah several cikgu yg sempat melihat transformasi dari kit0rang~
Hahahah.... (eh, aku baru prasan gamba ngan ibu, cikgu norlia & Miss hadar xde...s0rry sesangat~

Fireworks Pictures, Images and Photos
Dan lagi satu, untuk SPM 2007... our klas, science 9 got 1st Ranking for Physics & Chemistry!!!! bangge siot...mane taknye, dpat kalahkan 14 kelas~ heee...and 2nd Ranking for Biology... TAHNIAH G'nine9!!!!

Guru Bahasa Melayu terkenal di MRSM Muar... En.Adam... terima kasih banyak2 for the sirap limau 5 jug~

Cikgu Norita sangat berbangga sebab aku amek biology... die kate ade gak org ikut jejak die...thankS!!

Cikgu Nik Nazila... you kn0w what, she makes me l0ve chemistry so much... hehehe~

Cikgu Jeniza... my add maths teacher... aku sgt berbangge dengan ketabahan die mengajar kit0rg~ nape lak? ntah laa... sbbnye...ko pikir add math tu snang sgt?? bile da mas0k U baru aku tau... add math tu xdela susah sgt~ hahahah =D

Rindu gak tg0k maktab, jgn harap aku nak skolah balek kat situ...malas nak pi prep, nak makan pon kne ade waktu, pintu asrama asek kne lock je~
hahahah.... kalo dok kat U, nak buat, buat... xnak? xyahla buat...heee...

Dulu kate nak wat laluan berbumbung kat sepanjang jalan ni...hmmm... cam xde perubahan jex~

ok2, back to st0ry.....
time pejalanan nak balek... sgt ScAry m0viE!!!
adoyai... bas ke KL pukul 4.30ptg... n kitorang mengade2 tggu teksi pukul 4.00ptg...hello?? pikir ni rapid KL ke?? Hahaha.... Hajar da mengamok, anneSs da nak nanges, arep da pucat (mase tu, first time aku tgok kulit arep kaler.........errrr...xpela) , mo0jib plak da berasap...hahaha... aku?? tenang je~Heee =D

Perhatikan belakang... BaS!!! arrgghhh!!! terlepas sebab sibuk d0k amek gambo...~

Nak dijadikan citer, kazen aku yg keje kat Muar tu tepon aku...argghhhh!!!!
nape la aku x call je awal2...hmmm...takot die tgh keje, tu je~
pastu die pon amek la kitorang and anta ke stesen bas Muar yg ***** tu... (jgn marah ye org muar~) heee...

Gambar je tulis selamat datang... tp, kitorang da nak balek...~Huhuh
bak kate Hajar : "Inilah kali terakhir aku jejak kaki kat Muar ni kecuali time Azry kahwin, Xia kahwin, Feeqa kahwin n any budak yg dr Muar kahwin~"

Bye3 Sg. Muar~!!

Then, kitorang pon smpai la kat Kuala Lumpur..........mkan kat maple, dan kalo korg nak tau, hajar sgt3 suke mkan roti tisu..aku pon x tau nape...hmm... =p

ok, daaaa~
mintak maaf kalo ade terlanjur kate yg tersakitkan hati...~

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bukan kedekut, tapi berjimat...

bukan senang nak cari duit...
tp bile da ade duit, rase senang sangat nak berbelanje...~

Kat sini, aku nak k0ngsi sket la teori aku dalam berjimat...
Hahahaha...tak tau la kalo korang gune cara aku ni menjadi ke x~
x banyak pon... ni je :
  1. Jadikan wang yang korang ade sekarang ni utk kegunaan mase hadapan... maknenye, tangguhkan penggunaan duit tu sampai da betol2 tedesak nak menggunakannye~
  2. Duit backup... camne nak wat?? Just selitkan seberape duit yg korang ade kat celah2 beg d0mpet... biar je duit tu dok kat dlam tu... Nak tau camne bnde ni bekesan ke x, tggu sampai satu tahap korang akan lupe berape ringgit wang yg korang selitkan tu td...
  3. Untuk simpanan kat dlam bank, jangan sesekali kate duit dah abes bile dah tggal RM0 kat dlam bank... Jadikan satu nilai sbagai petande yg duit korang da betul2 nak kering... Sbgai contoh, kalo kat dlam bank tinggal RM200, buat2 la yg korang da xde duit dlam bank~ Huhuu...
  4. Belanje org?? boleh je... tp kne pandai la... xkan nak berkire sangat kot disebabkan terlalu nak berjimat... hahaha...
  5. Memang la duit x dibawa ke mati, tp kalo kite gune duit tu secare melampau p0n same gak... tu dah dikira macam cinta keduniaan pulak kan? So, be neutral and u kn0w beSt what u g0ing to spend with the money u have...~
pssst : warne2 kat atas ni merujuk kepade warna wang Ringgit Malaysia daripada RM1-RM100...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

15 minutes with Burmese

9.30am at Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur...
All the shops were still closed and only security guard i seen walking around...
Waiting for my friends in this kind of early m0rning makes me b0red~
Then, one man with a red shirt came sitting beside me...
I th0ught he is Bangladeshi (white one) but, he is actually came fr0m Myanmar... He said that he is l0oking for a cinema...
Starting to that, we start a conversations....~

Me : So, you came to Malaysia for travelling?? (mase terbaik utk promote Malaysia...heee~)
Burmese : Nope, I'm working here... its been a 6 months i'm here...

Me : Why do you choose Malaysia to find a job? Is in Myanmar doesn't have any job to do?
Burmese : Hahaha... I just following my friends and he say that Malaysia is easy to get job and cheaper than other country... (hah??! ape maksud die murah??)

Me : Owh, ok... so, you working at the cinema?
Burmese : No, actually i'm looking for my friends...he works at the cinema...

Me : Oh, i see...Hmmm, So, have you walk all over KL? Hows the KL city?? Is it same just like in Yangon?
Burmese : Not yet...because i dont have any guide to walk around, so i'm afraid i will lost...hahaha~ And KL is just like in Yangon... (ye2 je KL same ngan Yangon..heheh) but here, in Malaysia is a lil bit hot...haha... and Where do you live??
Me : Huh?? What?? (aku cam x brape dengar die cakap)
Burmese : Errr... Mane duduk?? (hah!! tetibe die cakap melayu?!)
Me : Hahahaha... oh, i stay in Shah Alam... The capital of Selangor states...

Burmese : Is it far from here? Why you have to going here which is far places like this??
Me : Err... just half an hour... Hahaha... For me its not too far, and KL is the best place for most teenagers to hang out because we living in a many places, and we gather in this place which everyone can c0me easily~

Burmese : So, what are you doing here? Working?(Adoyai, die tanye aku plak~)
Me : No, Just waiting for my friends to hang out... (wah, mengarut lak aku...) and actually, i'm a student...
Burmese : Owh, thats why you are go0d in english~ (Hah??!! ckap sangkut2 pon kate aku hebat english?? hahaha...)
Me : Hahahah... No lah, actually...most Malaysians know english because we had learned it since pre-school... (bangge giller aku time cakap ni...hahaha)

Burmese : Ok, so if you come here... can you call me??
Me : Huh?? err... I think this is the last time i c0ming here because after this i have to go back to my c0llege... (huh, mak aku kate, jgn sesekali bg nombor tepon kat org yg x dikenali...hehehe~)

Huhuh... and then, he tell me that he had study for Degree in Computering at Yangon...and now he works in Malaysia for two years... He said that he miss his mother so0 much...
What a best experienced interviewing foreigners that work here because their country is hard to get a job...
Famous Last Words... "Nice to meet you"...~

Monday, June 1, 2009

I Hate History, but.....

This movie makes me so0oo curious n happy t0 know hiStory...
Setiap watak yg dilakonkan kat dlam citer ni menggambarkan keadaan budaya tamadun mereka pada zaman mereka dulu...
tu yang membuatkan citer ni sgt unik~

We will learn some of the w0rld history, or else, an american history itself by watching this movie..... hahaha... creative giller...
then, this movie punye lawak sgt2 menjadi!!~ nak tepecah per0t dok gelak...~ lakonan diorg sume pon sangat neytral...xde kaku2 mcam pelakon kat...errr....hmmm...pham2 je la~ =p

tp kan... aku still x berminat nak membaca buku teks sejarah sk0lah menengah tu~
ntah ape2 la... rasenye, kalo ditambahkan lg gambar2, mngkin buku teks sejarah tu akan jd lebih menarik kot~

s0, lets watcH dis movie~...
syurga cinta pon jgn lupe tg0k k...( ia menginsafkan~)